The 24 Buddha images on the Celestial Island Cetiya are more than holy objects. They are
representations of the Buddha himself and his impeccable virtues as well as solid proofs of
evidence of the timeless Law of Karma in operation.
The sight of these Buddha images can evoke thoughts of virtue as well as engender
moments of peace, hope and happiness in people's hearts. By indirectly giving people uplifting feelings and inviting them to recall the goodness of the Buddha, the donors are said to be supporting fellow human beings in their journeys towards Nibbana.
As giving attracts receiving, the donors will be blessed with, among others:
1) Fortunate timing of rebirth (being reborn in the places and ages where Buddhism flourishes)
2) Respect from the masses
3) Moral wisdoms, guiding them in decision-making, dissolving emotional pain, and Journeying towards Nibbana
4) Longevity, good health, long life
5) Favorable social status whenever they are reborn in the human realm
6) A wholesome physique that is also conducive for practicing meditation
7) Luck and resources to counteract or eliminate the impact of any negative karma that they
may have
8) Favorable rebirths into fortunate realms such as one of the six levels of Heaven
9) Wealth and Prosperity
10) The ability to still their minds and achieve Enlightenment with ease The 24 Buddha images to be enshrined on the eight-sided Cetiya represents the timelessness
of the Buddha's teachings as well as the purifying nature of Buddhist meditation which remains
true regardless of where and when it is practiced.
To donate towards the casting of the Buddha images, please contact your nearest Dhammakaya meditation centre or visit
Source: Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Pathum Thani Province and Dhammakaya Foundation,
The Johannesburg Meditation Centre NPC.
Cr ; IPeace Centre